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Wellington International Airport in New Zealand is the first gateway in the world to go live with a leading-edge online airport management system from global airport technology specialists, Veovo.

The technology will provide Wellington and its aviation partners with a real-time, predictive overall view of operational activities.

This oversight is expected to help the airport with its performance and efficiency optimisation, and enhance the passenger experience.  

Wellington Airport terminal

By connecting, combining and analysing data from a myriad of IT systems, such as air traffic control software, gate management tools, as well as feeds, such as MetService weather updates, the platform delivers meaningful and in-depth insights to airport staff via a web-based portal.

Wellington Airport’s general manager for facilities and IT, Leanne Gibson, enthuses: “Our operational management system is an important part of ensuring that our staff can get their jobs done at maximum efficiency.

“The new platform gives us instant clarity of what’s happening, and when, across the airport. It allows us to make fast, proactive decisions, particularly around events like changes in flight schedules.”

Veovo vice president, Chris Warrington, says: “As a long-standing partner of Veovo, Wellington Airport has always been at the forefront of predictive collaborative technology.

“We’re thrilled to be able to continue to drive improvements in their performance, passenger experiences and financial outcomes with this new software.”

With this release, dubbed R8, Veovo claims to have effectively redesigned their airport management system from the ground up.

It says that by generating a role-specific, business-oriented answer to the challenge being faced, the new system guides staff to focus on addressing any potential issues quickly.

The result, it believes, is better operational decision making and a smoother passenger journey.


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