Traffic down across Fraport’s global airport network

Global airport operator, Fraport, today confirmed that COVID-19 continues to badly hit traffic figures at airports across its network.
Just 1.1 million passengers passed through Frankfurt Airport (FRA) In October 2020, for example, a significant 83.4% down on the same month a year ago.
The total means that FRA’s cumulative traffic during the January-to-October 2020 period fell by 71.6%, which it attributes to “low passenger demand resulting from the persisting travel restrictions amid the Covid-19 pandemic”.
There is some good news, however, as in contrast to passenger traffic, Frankfurt Airport claims that it “recorded a very positive cargo performance in October”, with freight volumes exceeding year-on-year levels for the first time since 15 months.
Indeed, FRA’s cargo throughput (comprising airfreight and airmail) grew by 1.6% to 182,061 metric tons during the month – with cargo-only flights more than compensating for the ongoing capacity constraints for belly-hold freight on passenger aircraft.
It attributes this high cargo demand to the upturn in global trade and the solid performance of the Eurozone’s industrial sector.
Across the Group, Fraport’s international airport portfolio continued to register widely varying traffic performance in October 2020. Some Group airports – particularly in Greece, Brazil and Peru – reported noticeably smaller declines in passenger traffic on a percentage basis compared to the preceding month.
Traffic at Slovenia’s Ljubljana airport (LJU) fell by 89.1% year-on-year to 10,775 passengers. The Brazilian airports of Fortaleza (FOR) and Porto Alegre (POA) saw combined traffic sink by 57.5% to 569,453 passengers.
Peru’s capital city airport in Lima (LIM) reported an 82.8% drop in traffic to 345,315 passengers, due to of the ongoing strong travel restrictions in international traffic.
At the 14 Greek regional airports, traffic decreased by 55.3% to some 1.1 million passengers. On the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the Twin Star airports of Burgas (BOJ) and Varna (VAR) together welcomed 56,415 passengers in October 2020, down 61.3% year-on-year.
Antalya Airport (AYT) on the Turkish Riviera posted a 55.3% drop in traffic to approximately 1.9 million passengers in the reporting month while Saint Petersburg-Pulkovo Airport in Russia recorded a 33.3% drop in traffic and Xi’an Airport (XIY) in China saw its passenger numbers decline by 12.7%.