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Hong Kong’s airport releases new Sustainability Report


Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has released its Sustainability Report 2022/23, outlining the sustainability performance of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) in the fiscal year ending 31 March 2023.

The report also highlights the future sustainability plans of AAHK. According to the airport, the key highlights of this year’s edition include:

AAHK received an advanced ESG rating from Standard & Poor Global Ratings, scoring 75 out of 100, up from the strong inaugural rating of 74 last year. The higher rating was attributable to AAHK’s improved sustainability performance.

Its second green bond was successfully issued to fund projects that deliver environmental and social benefits.

The Third Runway was officially commissioned, marking a key milestone of the airport’s expansion into a Three-runway System.

The ‘World of Winners’ Tickets Giveaway Campaign was launched to stimulate air traffic particularly the inbound travel to Hong Kong and promote the recovery of the aviation industry, tourism and economy of Hong Kong.

The airport also achieved Level 4 ‘Transformation’ status in ACI’s Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) programme.
The award recognises HKIA as a top tier airport in Asia in carbon management.

AAHK has commenced a trial of the Food TranSmarter system to convert food waste into slurry for biogas production and electricity generation.

It adds that the HKIA Community Building came into service to provide leisure and dining facilities, and create a quality workplace for airport staff.

The second Airport Preschool opened to provide educational and childcare services for the children of the airport community.

AAHK says: “We are committed to attracting top talent and creating more high-value and rewarding jobs through wider use of innovative technology in our operations and service delivery.”

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