Aena signs €2 billion sustainable credit agreement

Spanish airport operator, Aena, has signed a sustainable syndicated credit line (sustainability-linked RCF) for €2 billion, which it says proves its commitment to the environment, social responsibility and good corporate governance.
The financing has been granted by 14 national and international financial institutions and has been led by Banco Santander as Arranger and Sustainable Agent. Banco Sabadell has served as Arranger and Administrative Agent.
With this financing, the company extends the term of its financing for general corporate needs up to five years (with a possible extension for up to two years) with very favourable financial conditions.
The most relevant feature of this transaction is that the interest rate is based not only on the credit rating but also on the fulfilment of an objective to reduce CO2 emissions.
The company will cancel the existing revolving credit facilities of €1.45 billion due in 2024 and 2025.
Highest rating from the prestigious British FTSE4Good Index
Aena has received new recognition by staying in the prestigious British FTSE4Good Index in the 97th percentile. This index features companies from around the world with top ESG performance (environmental, social and good governance practices).
For the evaluation of Aena, carried out by analyst FTSE Russell, more than 400 indicators were analysed, encompassing eight areas (climate change, pollution and resources, labour standards, corporate governance, fiscal transparency, anticorruption, human rights and community, health and safety).
Based on this evaluation, Aena has received a score of 5 out of 5.
ESG criteria are increasingly important to investors, who incorporate these types of factors into their investment decision-making processes.
Aena states: “Our excellent rating and continued inclusion in this index represents the recognition of our good sustainability performance and the various initiatives on environmental, social and good governance issues that are being developed strategically and cross-sectionally within the company.”