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Although rising global traffic figures show that air travel has never been so popular, there is no denying that the selfish action of some passengers onboard flights can make journeys a little stressful, and today we reveal a few of these annoying habits.

UK v ROW Rank out of 10 how much noisy children would annoy you on a flight copy

According to a new survey by flight-search website, Alternative Airlines, the public’s pet peeves when flying incude:

Noisy children

• Women hate noisy children on flights more than men do! (43% of women surveyed rated noisy children as 8/10-10/10 annoyance, vs 40% of men

• People in the UK are more bothered by noisy children on the plane (43% of UK respondents rated noisy children as 8/10-10/10 annoyance, vs 34% of those outside of the UK)


Over eager plane leaver

• Men are more irritated than women by passengers immediately standing up after a plane lands (41% of men surveyed rated this as 8/10-10/10 annoyance, vs 34% of women)

• Those outside of the UK are much less bothered than those in the UK about passengers immediately standing up after a plane lands (30% of UK respondents, vs 20% outside of the UK)

UK v ROW Passengers applauding when the plane lands is annoying copy

Save the applause

• People from the UK are more likely to be annoyed by passengers applauding after the flight (20% in the UK rated this as 8/10-10/10 annoyance, vs 12% outside of the UK thinking the same)

• Men are more likely to be less bothered than women when passengers applaud after the flight (42% of men rated this as 1/10 irritating, vs 28% of women) 


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