City approves San Antonio’s airport development plan

San Antonio City Council has unanimously backed San Antonio Airport System’s master plan for enhancing the infrastructure at San Antonio International Airport (SAT).
SAT’s Strategic Development Plan (SDP) will guide future development of its airfield, terminals, ground access and supporting infrastructure over the next 20 years.
The airport notes that its team along with consultants engaged community leaders and members of every sector of the city through surveys, open houses and meetings to ensure the plan benefits the community and the region.
The development of the SDP was endorsed by the Mayor-appointed Airport System Development Committee, who guided its development, as well as the Airport Advisory Commission, the Greater Chamber of Commerce, airlines and many other local businesses.
“This plan is warranted and will prepare us for future demand and transform the passenger experience at the airport,” enthuses San Antonio Airport System’s director of airports, Jesus Saenz.
“Our team has been enthusiastic in our efforts to create a plan that is financially feasible and is equipped to handle at least 16 million passengers annually and meets the needs of travellers.”
“It will be a world-class facility that everyone will be proud of and reflects our city’s rich culture, diversity and charm.”
Prior to the pandemic, the airport welcomed more than 10 million passengers a year and that number is expected to grow each year.
The airport currently has 24 gates and the new plan will feature an additional terminal, more gates, more concessions, unified passenger screening areas, a walkway to connect all three terminals and design standards to meet the needs of all passengers.
These new projects will be programmed, designed and constructed over the next 20 years based on planning activity levels and financial feasibility.
The plan received unanimous City Council support which allows the City to formally submit the Airport Layout Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The Department will issue a solicitation to begin advanced terminal planning services, the next critical step to implement this plan. This consultant will perform phasing services, financial feasibility and delivery method recommendations for various components of the plan.
“We are ready to enact the first phase of the plan,” says Saenz.